How IOS 14 Has Affected Advertising

In the age of mobile devices, oftentimes advertisers end up having to play by the rules of whatever platform they’re on. With the rollout of IOS 14, we think it’s important to inform you of how this new update has changed advertising and give you some solutions you can use to adapt moving forward. 

IOS Users Can Now Request Apps Not to Track

Tracking is often used by advertisers to trace a person’s activity across apps and websites to get a better picture of who they should be targeting their ads at. With this new update in IOS, users are asked when opening different apps whether they want to be tracked or not. Options to avoid tracking have become increasingly prevalent with search engines such as DuckDuckGo not collecting or sharing personal information at all. While allowing people to choose not to allow tracking addresses privacy concerns for many users, it also makes the jobs of advertisers much harder. 

New Strategies for Small Businesses

So what are some ways to get around the new IOS update if you’ve been heavily relying on tracking up until now?

  1. Create Relevant Ad Placements: For instance, if you offer landscaping services, have your ads appear on a gardening website.

  2. Utilize Influencers: If you can’t pin down your demographic, find an influencer who is reaching the audience you’re aiming for and sponsor them to advertise your product.

  3. Create More Organic Content: Focusing on social media, blogs, and other content can help continue to generate more engagement and interest in your brand without the need for ads. 

Digital advertising can be tough and frustrating to navigate, especially when changes like this upend all your carefully thought out advertising strategies. But like every other challenge small businesses have faced, we’ll just have to adapt and overcome.

Other resources you may want to browse:

  • iOS 14 and Its Impact on the Future of Digital Advertising -

  • The New iOS Update Lets You Stop Ads From Tracking You-So Do It -


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