Social Media vs Reality

As our lives have gradually moved online, the difference between our real lives and what we see on social media doesn't seem all that different. In fact, we may find ourselves looking at the idyllic lives of our friends on social media and comparing the best of their world to the worst of ours. In this post, we want to briefly touch on how to avoid making unfair comparisons to your own life based on social media. 

Limit Time on Social Media

Just like the news, too much social media can take a toll on your mental health. Limit how much time you spend scrolling through your Instagram feed or other social media. It will help you avoid that overly critical voice chipping away at your self-esteem and making you question why your life isn’t like what you see on social media.  

Keep Realistic Expectations

People often use social media to share the highlights of their lives with others. Try to remember that in reality, they are likely also working a day job and that the beautiful exotic vacation they went on was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Don't Be Afraid to Post Your Struggles 

Just like in reality, being vulnerable on social media is hard—however, that shouldn’t stop you from sharing when you may be going through a hard time. Your friend may also be going through a hard time, and seeing you be open about the struggles in your own life may help them feel like they aren’t the only one dealing with the ups and downs of real life. 


Comparing your life to what you see other people post on social media can rob you of joy and give you unrealistic expectations about how your life should be. Social media is a beautiful thing, but as we all know, too much of a good thing may not be so good for us after all.  


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