Four Tools for Small Businesses to Use for Social Media
Whether you’re just jump-starting your own enterprise, or you’ve already found some success as a small business, a social media presence is essential. If you’re struggling to figure out where to start, we’ve gathered four tools to help you create beautiful social media posts as stress-free as possible.
1. Use Buffer for Scheduling
Many small businesses that are trying to get their name out there are on more than one social media platform. Buffer allows you to create posts for multiple accounts and then schedule them for whenever you like. Not only does this allow you to queue several posts in advance, it also lets you create posts for all these platforms in the same place.
2. Utilize Unsplash & Pexels for Free Stock Photos
While hiring a graphic designer to create visual media for certain posts may be worthwhile, it might not be realistic for every post, especially from a budget standpoint. Unsplash and Pexels are free stock photo websites that you can use to find the right images at the right price for your budget—free.
3. Assign Tasks Using Asana
If you aren’t running your business solo, chances are you have employees who need instructions on various tasks, including social media. Asana allows you to assign or reassign tasks to different employees, attach completed documents or other media, and notifies you when each task has been completed all in one place.
4. Use Canva for Graphic Design
Graphic design can be a daunting task. Start simple by using the free version of Canva. With a wide variety of templates and customization options and a clean interface, you’ll be creating graphic designs that’ll make you look like a pro.
A social media presence may sound tedious and stressful to maintain at first glance, with these tools you may find that it’s a much simpler and more enjoyable process than you first thought!