Social Media and SEO
What Role Does Social Media Play in SEO?
Search Engine Optimization—the difference between having your website buried underneath thousands of other web results or obtaining the highly contested number one search result on Google. Today we want to discuss the role social media plays in SEO and how you can best optimize your social media and SEO to increase traffic to your site.
How Social Media Impacts SEO
While SEO is not directly impacted by social media, creating useful content leads to consistent exposure and more inbound links through people sharing your content. Add a blog, podcast, or infographics, to your website and link it to your social media profiles to maximize traffic to your site and give your business a boost in social media profile search rankings.
Picking the Best Social Media Sites for SEO
While social media itself is incredibly useful for aiding in SEO, the websites you choose as your platforms also have a large impact on your visibility. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are obvious picks, but LinkedIn actually ranks higher than both of them in lead generation.
Using SEO to Optimize Your Social Media Game
While social media can help give your SEO a boost, SEO data can also help you determine what keywords people are searching for you to utilize in your social media posts. Running a crawl on some high-performing websites can be a great way to figure out what is most effective when it creating social media posts.
Understanding SEO and the social media management that comes along with it can be a daunting task for anyone. If you’re an up and coming small business owner, My Social Lady offers services in social media management and marketing that can help you start your SEO journey and social media journey right.