Elevating Client Reviews with Canva Templates
Client reviews are one of the best ways to generate new business by establishing trust between consumers and brands. In this article, we want to walk you through how Canva templates can elevate your client reviews by including branding, creating a professional look, and fixing writing mistakes.
First, let’s take a look at this before picture of a review without using Canva:
As you can see, the grammar and spelling in this review is fine, but that’s generally not the norm when it comes to reviews, which leaves you stuck with great reviews and no way to use them.
Another issue with client reviews like this is that they aren’t branded, so if someone takes a screenshot of it, they may not remember what business it was for.
The last and most critical issue with this client review is that it’s lazy to take a screen shot and post it, and the last thing any business wants to do is look lazy.
Now let’s look at how we remedy these issues by using a Canva template for the same brand:
Thanks to the template, the brand logo is clearly visible, making it easy to share and link back to your business, while also allowing you spotlight a review that was originally full of grammar mistakes.
Using a Canva template here also helped give the brand a much more professional look than before. With a Canva template, you have the benefit of making your client quotes visually appealing while showing clients the effort you are putting into your brand.
Businesses should always use all available tools to elevate their image, and Canva is one of the best. If you don’t feel up to the task of creating client review templates yourself, contact My Social Lady for a professional polish on your client reviews.