5 Social Media No-No’s
If you’re a business, big or small, you are definitely marketing on social media (Or you should be!). Whether it be Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or even Twitter - social media is one of the best ways to market to your target audience.
But don’t make these mistakes! Be diligent and avoid these 5 Social Media Marketing No-No’s to be sure you are marketing your business properly!
1. Inconsistency: Posting whenever you want, too much, or not enough, is damaging. You’ll never grab attention if you’re not consistent.
2. Unedited Content: Misspelled words and improper grammar is the worst. Not only is it unprofessional, but it makes you look like an amateur and your business look like a joke!
3. Strategy and Results: No plan of action? Ignoring the results of your marketing vices? How do know what is efficient if you don’t plan and collect data of what works?
4. Engagement: Never interacting with your customers is never a good practice. Without engagement with them, especially on social media, you just look like a robot trying to sell them on a product and they scroll right passed your ad.
5. Ignoring negative comments: Negative feedback, constructive or not, is easy to ignore, but don’t! You can learn a lot, and get ideas for improvement through negative comments. Ignoring them done nothing for your benefit. Plan ahead for what criteria might warrant a comment hide, comment delete, or person ban from your page altogether.
Be a Good Marketer! Make sure you are posting professional, consistent content! Have a strategy and be sure you are tracking the results to see what is working in your favor. Engage with your customers and reply to the negative comments. Take in the suggestions and better your business and your product.
All in all, keep away form the no-no’s! Happy Marketing!