Balance Social Media & Mental Health
Sometimes we love social media and making content so much that we forget to balance our social media lives with our mental health.
Here are 5 things to remember to help balance yourself.
Limit your social screen time.
You can set limits on your phone or timers on your computer. If you aren’t sure if you have been spending too much time on social media, you can take a look at the Screen Time app (Apple Users!). This can be very eye opening!
Take a break.
Go on vacation, visit family, go for a walk, make a big dinner, enjoy time with a friend, dance, or even take a nap. You’re not a machine, you are human, so it’s okay to stop and smell the roses from time to time and leave your phone behind.
Live in the real world.
Remember that the virtual world is not the only important factor in your life. There is a world moving and bumping around you that you should also be interacting with. Join a club or a sport. Don’t lose yourself in the innerweb, we need you here in the real world.
Think before posting.
Your content says a lot about you and can influence those who follow and support you. Before you post or hit send, think about if your content is spreading a message you want to be associated with. Is it positivity that you are spreading? Keep your goals in mind and don’t be a troll.
Put yourself first.
As much as your followers love your content, they love, and care about you more. Make sure you aren’t setting your expectations to an unrealistic level. Don’t overwhelm yourself to a stressing point. Your mental health is most important, and that’s where the good content comes from anyway!
These are just a few ways to keep yourself balanced between your online world and the real world. Keep posting and stay healthy! 😊