State of Marketing From 2021

What works in marketing and what doesn’t is constantly changing. The same strategies, campaigns, and platforms that were used even five years ago may not be viable now. In this article, we want to help you come up with your best marketing strategies for 2022 by looking at the changes in social media marketing, SEO, and email marketing from last year. 

Social Media Marketing

According to HubSpot, the most used social media marketing tactic in 2021 was social listening. Who would have thought? It turns out that prospective customers want to be heard by brands online just as much as they want to be listened to in-person. They also care where they hear from companies too, with HubSpot noting that Facebook had the best ROI last year.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

From 2020 to 2021, investment by marketers into SEO has increased by 5% based on HubSpot stats. While finding strategic keywords is the leading SEO strategy, as we mentioned in our last article, optimization for mobile is incredibly important in marketing. Still, out of the top three most used SEO tactics, mobile optimization ranks last, making space for your business to find a competitive edge in the mobile market.  


Email Marketing

The number one best return on ROI, email marketing can turn $1 into over $30. While approaches for email marketing range from including dynamic content to using mobile friendly emails, the top method companies use is message personalization. Because of the pandemic, brands have had the opportunity to be transparent and personal with their audience, and that same authenticity became one of the foundations of email marketing in 2021.  


Marketing in 2022

Unfortunately, we can’t see into the future and predict how the market will evolve over the course of this year. However, by looking at the trends and stats, we can plan out a marketing strategy based on what we already know. 


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